Here's what you've been up to these days:
- You are still enjoying swimming lessons! Although you're sometimes not so sure about going under, but we're working on that :). Momma is sure that you are going to be a little fish! (One day!)
- You are picking up on everything!! Repeating EVERYTHING we say these days! You're newest phrase is OH NO!!! and..It is so cute to hear you say.
- You still love watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora, and Team Umizoomi! You will bring us the remote and either call Toodles, Dora, or Bot! When they go off, you cry "uh-oh Toodles", "uh-oh Dora", or "uh-oh Bot"!
- You are definitely ALL boy and love being "side". You would stay outside all day if we would let you!
- You are still a VERY picky eater! I guess I am getting payback...and it is no fun! Your menu everyday includes either hot dogs, corn dogs, pizza , or chicken fries. Good thing you like Pediasure and vitamins!
- You are a PRO at all of the animal noises.
- You still enjoy reading books! Some days you want Momma to read to you, and some days you enjoy reading all by yourself!
- You still love your friend Hagan! Ya'll play so well together!!
- You've started to say "cheese" whenever you see Momma's camera! I caught you carrying my camera the other day with your face next to the lense saying "CHEEESE"! (I've got to start putting my camera up a little higher!)
- Mr. Potato head has become one of your new favorite toys! You are very good at bringing us his eyes, ears, nose, hands, feet, and hat!
These last 18 months have gone by! Time please SLOW down!!!